I made my way from exhibit to exhibit and introduced myself to some of the local storm spotters. We traded cards and stories and for a moment I actually didn't resent being in Lubbock. (again I kid)
These are some of the South Plains Ham spotters:

But the highlight of the event was the showing of "Storm Spotters" in the IMAX theatre. I had seen Red Flag there a few years ago and the experience was one I'll never forget. If you haven't ever experienced an IMAX movie, please put it on your bucket list of things to do before you die, because it is pretty amazing.
As my kidnappers and me found our seats in the "sweet spot" where it feels like the entire screen envelopes you, I was surprised to see sitting just behind me another Amarillo weather chaser Steve Miller! I turned and Next to me was another chaser I knew David Drummond. We shook hands and laughed and talked about what a coincidence that we would all be at the same weather event at the same time. Actually, it made sense since we are usually (during the Spring) bumping into or passing by each other chasing the same storms.
Here is a shot of me and my kidnappers, Dale & Shelley Stanton: I'm the one with no hair and totally satisfied grin on my face.
Maybe Lubbock ain't so bad after all.

The movie was amazing, it felt almost like you were out in the storm, and except for some scenes on the Monsoons in India (which seemed out of place in a movie called Storm Chasers) it had the effect of totally curing me of the late Winter blahs.
We left sunny Lubbock and headed back north to armadillo town but not before I snapped this tornado's eye view of fellow Amarilloan and chaser Steve Miller.

Hope to see bump into Steve again - but when it happens I hope its storming.