During severe weather outbreaks in the Amarillo area you can now listen in live to our streaming radio scanner array for a small seasonal fee.
Whenever a tornado or severe thunderstorm watch is issued for Amarillo and adjacent counties we'll turn on feed and you'll be able to listen to:
Amarillo Department of Emergency Management
Amarillo Emergency Service
RACES/ARES Local area HAM severe weather networks
NSSL DOW Trucks (when operating in our local area)
Local public safety organizations including digital DPS P-25 broadcasts.
Aviation Weather
Area emergency operations centers.
System requirements:
Any computer running Windows XP (not Vista)and at least a 56K modem (although a fast (DSL or cable connection is preferable) and the Eazy Client streaming software will work.
Cost is $20.00 for three months (April, May and June) and is payable in advance.
Sign up soon because bandwidth is limited to 10 listeners!
For more information e-mail Steve Douglass at: webbfeat@gmail.com