All original images (C) Steve Douglass unless otherwise noted.

All original images (C) Steve Douglass unless otherwise noted. Permission required for commercial use or publishing.

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Friday, August 22, 2008

2008 West Texas Weather Rhapsody

I just completed my weather video for this year. Since it wasn't exactly a banner year, I was forced to add a few images from my archives to flesh the thing out.

Crank up the volume, I worked hard on the sound as well.

Keep in mind, this is not meant to be storm chaser video diary, but rather an emotional expression on how it feels to be an insignificant human humbled by the beauty of our immense Panhandle skies.

The music is from August Rush - it fit just perfectly what I had in mind, which was to capture the majesty and reverence i have for our amazing weather vistas.

Please leave a comment.

-Steve Douglass

Click to enlarge!

Please click on each image to enlarge them and see them in their proper color and contrast.